Tools Used: Adobe InDesign
Team Members: Anna Kolbe
Instructor: Carly Law
Course: DES 335, Type II
Timeline: 2 weeks
Due: Feb 7th
to be added to as the semester progresses and revisited
Previous Exploration:
Typographic Interest
Ideas Moving Forward
Brainstorming ways to push the zine further/refine the message and appearance:
- transform it into more of a catalog of punk work, add lots of source material, images of punk culture and punk type mixed, with informative text at the beginning of the zine
- make it into a whole DIY zine, give people materials to create their own punk type, almost like a paper doll set, give info up front and then the rest can be fun materials to play with
- make it more “collagey”, have important information at the beginning and then the rest can be fun exploration of punk type and collage, make it more like fun art than an informative zine (see Fazine example below)
Edits I want to make:
- get rid of the square aspect ratio, would like to do a more traditional rectangular one, found the square limiting in terms of placing content
- reconsider image treatment, consider if turning the zine to black and white would be effective or if it would remove informative color on images
- reconsider headers, move away from handwritten or consider making them consistently handwritten in the same “font”
- present written information in a more streamlined, simple way. This could mean simple gridded layouts at the beginning of the zine, maybe with fun elements like page numbers or marginalia. Should look somewhat academic but have hints of the content.
- does it need pictures sprinkled throughout to illustrate the points of the paragraphs? What would this image treatment look like?
- could be side by side spreads with plain gridded text, and then funky collages on the page next to it to illustrate writing
- add section on punk today, what graphic designers can learn from the punk ethos
New Inspo/Sources
Fanzine - Una breve historia del Punk
- have more fun with collage technique, get super creative with visuals
LibGuides: History - HSTA 494: History of Punk Rock Movement: Punk Zines
Zine "Punk zines 1970-90 phenomenon"
Oshkosh County Park, August 12
Black Flag BBs and Dicks Ritz
Iconic Punk Artist Jamie Reid Has Some Advice for Young Creatives
The Plan! (What I submitted as my planning sheet)